If you’re unable to access your Dashboard because you can’t recall your password, it’s possible to reset it online. You’ll need the following:

  • The email address associated with your account
  • The last name of the account owner on your account
  • The account owner’s mobile phone number, which was provided at the time of account creation

To reset your password:

  1. Attempt to log into your uConnected Dashboard, start by entering your email address and select NEXT
  2. Click “Forgot Password” as displayed below
  3. Provide your last name and the account owner’s mobile phone number, then select NEXT
  4. If the data provided matches what’s expected a temporary code will be sent via SMS to the account owner’s phone, and via email to the account email address
  5. Enter this code on the website as requested
  6. If the code matches what was expected you’ll then be prompted to enter a new password for the account

If you have multiple services, your new password can be used to manage all of them

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