Making outbound calls with the uConnected app has never been easier! However, if you’re experiencing any trouble making a call to certain people, or having difficulties navigating the app, then these could be the factors behind it. 

  1. Your internet connection. Ensure you have high-speed data when WiFi is not available. The uConnected app needs an internet connection in order for it to function well.
  2. Ensure the app has the appropriate permissions to function, including Microphone permission. You may need to check your phone’s settings from time to time to ensure this does not disrupt your calls.
  3. Ensure you are accessing a service that is currently active. When services are suspended, you are still able to access the app, however, making outbound calls is not possible. To resolve this issue, it is essential that you reactivate your service by visiting your Dashboard’s Plan and Payment page.
  4. When all else fails, delete and reinstall the app.

If you run into any other issues apart from the above factors, please report them through the app’s Report A Bug tab on the Settings screen. This will be sent to one of our representatives who will be able help make sure it gets fixed as soon as possible! You can also submit support requests using our website.

Download the app today! 

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